First, I want to thank every one for all those amazing emails, making sure I was ok... I m not just ok, I am doing great.
An few months ago, I had to make some hard decisions. I cancelled everything I could (internet), and cut back on everything (food, heat, books, movies, tv) until I could get back on my feet. My son had a hard time with that, so he moved in with my mom.

In January, I got a promotion, a raise and insurance for drugs and dental. Thank God!
As of today I have internet, cable, phone, and most important my son has come back home!
I did not reach my 2013 goal of losing 100 lbs. I was ok with cutting everything down to the bare minimum, but I missed my kid. I have to be honest, by the time Christmas came around I had gained close to 15 lbs back.
In January, I kicked myself in the ass and I lost it all again. I weigh 170 lbs and I am goood!