Friday, 23 January 2015

Disappeared for a bit

Well I disappeared for a bit, Depression sucks! I feel better, inside and here I am.

I dont know where to start, other than, I gained 20lbs back. Damn it!

Good news though. I have been trying to get back on track for over a month, and I am finally in the groove. You know the one I am talking about. Where you see stuff you want to eat, but you dont. Where people offer you stuff to eat, and you dont. Where you go somewhere and they have heaven on a plate...thats right! You dont eat it.


I am not exercising yet, but I will soon.

I went up to 194 after Christmas, and gave myself a huge kick in the ass. After much struggling, I weighed in at 189 this morning.

Nice to be back.


  1. you've worked hard ,sweety! keep it up

  2. 4BB185978DElowen5C3A0BB6D129 December 2024 at 06:10



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