Friday, 14 December 2012

Yippee Ky-a...Mother F'r! December 14, 2012 *211.2

True Story
Happy day! I weighed myself this morning and came in at 211.2 lbs. Verrrry nice. I know that I wont continue at this speed of weight loss, and some of what I lost will be 'water weight'. I already feel a difference in my clothes. Instead of feeling like things are just a itty bitty too tight, they fit just right. If a size 20 is just right. All my clothes are loose fitting, I hate hate hate having clothes that cut in anywhere. Well, not my bra. My bras are 4 hook, wide strap monstrosities. I do not want to hang or jiggle when I am in public...ever!

I am writing this while I leisurely eat my breakfast. Bite here, bite there and a little sip of herbal tea. I know all about conscious eating, or being in the moment. But I focus so much on food  normally, that I am trying to break that cycle. My normal way, was to make my breakfast as fast as possible, eat it as fast as possible then go back to bed. Then wake up and eat 2nd breakfast (like a hobbit).

So now I take a shower, do a load of laundry and put my tea to steep. Start my dishes then put my toast in. I finish my dishes (never that much), put some almond butter on my toast. I then do a quick sweep of the house and I tidy up a bit. Then I eat breakfast. I try to make it last 15 minutes or so. That way my mind and body are aware that I have eaten breakfast.

Today...I am going to stop after I am done eating and go for a walk with my dog! This is huge! Its not like I never walk him. For the first year of his life I walked him every day, sometimes twice a day. But when he went all hinky, I stopped being strict about it. I am going out today, maybe not for too long.  I am just trying to take that first step.

Monday I am starting an exercise program. These are just the baby steps before that moment.


I am back! I went out for a walk, and guess what? No one tried to kill me, laugh at me, run me over, looked at me like I was an alien or anything...shocking! Milo is happy and so am I. Gotta go get ready for work now.



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