Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Nom Nom Nom! January 9, 2013 *203.2

I weighed in at 203.2 lbs today!  Excuse me while I do my happy dance...happy dance, happy dance, happy have to use your imagination a little. Picture something uncoordinated and totally uncool and thats probably what it looks like.

I love cruising the internet for new recipes. I hardly ever try them, but I like to salivate over them. Since I have started my diet, I have actually been trying new to me cooking. I ran across this site  Herbivoracious the other day, and I am in love! Like seriously! Nom nom nom. Some of the ingredients are totally unfamiliar but I look them up and see if its something that can be substituted or not.


I went out again last night to my local Walmart, and I bought myself a pair of jeans. They were a couple of sizes smaller than my other pair. Needless to say I am very happy and proud of myself.

I also sat down and planned my meals for the rest of the week, using a menu planner that I pulled off of fit to the finish. After that was done, I went grocery shopping from the list I made. This is the first time I have ever done this. Seriously. I normally walk around aimlessly and pick whatever is on sale. I went in with a plan and left with all that I went in for.

I am now going to go cook something and freeze it.

Rainbow Salad
K...done cooking for now. I made a spaghetti sauce (pureed veggies hidden inside), a Rainbow Salad, Shrimp Salsa (which will be my supper tonight). I have also put some Lima beans to soak. I have never cooked those kinds of beans so should be interesting.  There is an interesting recipe on the package that I think I may try. It calls for tomatoes/cheese/onions...hmmm.


Ugh, I am eating my Shrimp Salsa, and I remember....TMI (no poops). Oh well. I have two huge bags of  shrimp from Costco, I gotta eat 'em. I just have to realize that it normally adversely affects my daily weigh ins. I will eat some extra prunes tonight.
Shrimp Salsa
I went for a nice walk tonight. It was kind of chilly but still a nice walk. I have been slowly adding time to my walks. I am up to 30 minutes, and more than half of the walk is uphill. I am very proud of myself that I have only been forcing myself to go about half the time. The other half of the time I am happy to go.


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