Saturday, 2 February 2013

Spiraling into the Blue February 7, 2013 *197.

For the last couple of weeks, I have been spiraling into another fit of depression. You ever see one of those Maple tree seed propeller thingies? Spiraling to the earth...

...No worries... I am not giving up. I am taking good drugs, fighting tooth and nail to stay afloat.

Fake it til ya make it.

* Found pic on web on this website The Ubyssey could not find name of painter to give credit.


  1. Don't give up..good luck with getting out of your sad me you make it through, especially..smiling and happy :)

  2. Praying that you will feel stronger very soon. Don't ever give up on yourself.

    1. Thank you. Every time I climb out, I am always amazed that I have made it out. I am even sticking to my diet.


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