Thank you!
Leibster Award Rules
- Each blogger posts 11 random facts about themselves.
- Answer the questions the tagger has set for you
- Choose 3 new bloggers to pass the award to/nominate
- Come up with 11 new questions to ask your nominees
- Go to their page and tell them about the award.
(No tag backs!)
Some random facts: I believe in God/ I am/was a cutter/I love every season/I have a 200 lbs English Mastiff/I get my nails done/my house if 625 sq feet!/I got laid off last year/I dye my hair because it is nearly completely white (started when I was 15)
Questions for me to answer
*Favorite Skinny dessert?-I don't eat dessert
*Favorite Healthy Restaurant?-I don't go out
*Favorite exercise?-Walking
*What motivated you to start?-Me...I was tired of me
*What are you really passionate about?-Uhm...me...for now.
*Two hobbies?-Cross stitching and my blog
Chose they bloggers to pass the award to
I thought of these two because they are totally awesome!
*Behind the Chintz Curtain
*La Crimson Femme
Now to the questions
Who are your favorite authors?
What is your favorite movie?
Who is your favorite actor?
What is your all time favorite book?
Who is your all time favorite character in a book?
Who is your favorite singer/group?
What is your favorite food?
What makes you randomly cry?
What book have you read over and over again?
pass it on!
Thank you Josee! I have to complete this one soon. You are a sweetheart. :) I like the design of your blog.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what your answers are. Thank you very much!
DeleteI love every season too...now a know a little more about you :)
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I am loving winter right now though. We are in the middle of getting another snow storm. My son has only gone to school twice this week.