I have included my son this time, and I am keeping this journal. I hope, strike that. I am very happy and committed to see this journey through, but like I said, this is just the start. To help me have a good idea of what I am getting myself into, I did a calorie count on the food that is going to be there. Its a small party, and we all wrote down what we were bringing. I am bringing a nacho dip, that is made out of sour cream, cream cheese, salsa and shredded cheese. Lets just say that just one pkg of cream cheese is over 900 cals! If I have a couple of dips it will be over 150 cals.
I was a little depressed about that. I tried to back out of going to party, explaining that I was on a new DIET! and did not want to risk going. I told them about the cals of my dip, and they said something that made a light bulb go off. I am a very smart person. Really I am. Sometimes I get so caught up in my brain, that common sense does not enter it. You know what they said? "So...like dont eat it! There are going to be shrimp and veggie trays, eat from those!"
Sigh, brilliant isn't it? Duh, right I dont have to eat it.
I am not going to eat everything that is offered
I am strong
I am staying true to my diet because that is more important than food
I am strong
I can picture myself a smaller me
There is going to be some drinks, and I have done a calorie count on that too. I am going to bring my own egg nog (light) and some skim milk. I wont be making a big production of it, since I am bringing a bag with my dip and chips.
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